Fred Blog

Monday, February 4, 2008

Who Do You Believe When It Comes To Weight Loss

The unfortunate reality this day and age is that most people have vested financial interest in creating articles for the general public to read. Just follow the money and your answer will reveal itself.

Even I am not immune. The sole reason for me writing this article is to get you to visit my website. Plain and simple. However, the difference comes in the quality of the information that you receive from each individual article that you read. Once you understand that there is a financial interest in every word to read, you start to take certain claims and "studies" with a grain of salt.

A great example is all of the articles and "research" that say how well a certain weight loss pill works. You read these articles and get to the bottom and there just happens to be a link for a weight loss pill website.

Do you think that the article is going to have some biased information?


People don't make money by telling the whole truth. I really love it when they place in small print, "When used in conjunction with reduced calorie diet and exercise".

But, the worst thing about this remains that the people giving the "recommendations" for a particular diet plan or weight loss product have no idea what they are talking about. They do limited research and because they reside "online", these people are generally immune to any potential lash backs because of misinformation.

Also, be extremely wary of articles and or recommendations that seem a little too one sided. If a product doesn't have any side effects or a plan doesn't have any bad points to it, I'd be a little cautious. I'd venture that the pluses aren't as "plus" as they'd like you to think.

The propagation of misinformation is prevalent in today's online society as "get rich quick" husksters promise big money to uneducated people who in turn, promise big results and guarantees from the huskster's products.

Don't fall for it...

Brad Howard's blog, "The Mind Over Body Matter Letter", delves into the "meat and potatoes" of all of the misinformation generated by the diet and fitness industry today.Croix Blog81531
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