Fred Blog

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Hewlett Packard - What Was She Thinking?

The two men that founded Hewlett-Packard, Bill Hewlett and David Packard must be rolling over in their graves with the announcement that their company founded on a strong ethical structure has voluntarily committed what may be ill-legal acts. These things happen, we understand that. What we dont understand is the actions subsequent to the public being informed of the ill-legal acts.

The company has admitted that they hired outside parties to try to ascertain how information from Board meetings made its way into newspapers. The 3rd parties hired to do the job use Pretexting a method where a person pretends, or masquerades as someone else. The purpose is to obtain that persons calling records from the phone company.

Hewlett Packards Non Executive Chairman, Patricia Dunn has said she authorized the operation without realizing how far the investigators went. You have to be kidding. She has agreed to step down as of January 1 of next year. What an interesting way to reward inappropriate corporate behavior. She must know where the bones are buried, because the resignation should have been immediate, and without hesitation.

If you violate the law, thats one thing. If you get called on it-Thats ANOTHER THING. These people got called on it. They got found out. This is a famous corporation with almost infinite legal resources. They literally have the best lawyers money can buy, and this is what they come up with. You know what they say, if the attorney dont give you the opinion you want, find another attorney. In this case, the first attorney Hewlett Packard used was a prominent Silicon Valley lawyer who thought Pretexting sounded like a pretty good idea. He must be smoking the same thing that the Non-Executive Chairman was smoking.

Executives are supposed to execute, thats why they call them executives. It wasnt so with the folks at Hewlett. They were asleep at the switch wondering which bank to deposit their latest LAVISH stock options bonus into.

It has now become apparent that the scheme went deeper than anyone previously realized. Apparently Hewlett Packard was thinking about planting spies in news bureaus at two major media outlets. They included CNET, and the Wall Street Journal. The plan called for Hewlett Packards investigators to place clerical employees and/or cleaning crews in the offices of these entities looking for the source of the leaks.

Its just amazing when you think of it. Only in Hollywood movies do things go off without a hitch. Its really BRAZEN of these highly paid individuals to believe that they could pull this off, and in the process not wind up embarrassing the corporate entity.

What about Institutional memory?

It is becoming increasingly apparent that corporations are suffering the same fate as governments which is that nobody is around long enough to remember history, and therefore INFLUENCE poorly thought out plans. I could do a book on this one and probably should, but here it goes.

In the late 1960s, a famous multinational corporation called International Telephone and Telegraph (ITT) was being beat up by the Justice Department over mergers that the government didnt like. What did ITT do? Attempting to get out of the investigation, there was a meeting of individuals that included the Chairman Harold Geneen, director Felix Rohatyn (later Ambassador to France under Clinton), and Nixon assistants Enrichment, Colson, Peterson, and Krogh, and Cabinet members Connally, Stans, Mitchell, Kleindienst, and McLaren.

The objective was to offer the Republicans $400,000 in cash towards financing the Republican national convention in San Diego. The whole thing became known through the Dita Beard memo. Beard was a lobbyist for ITT. They all thought they could keep it quiet, until it blew up in their faces. I guess nobody at Hewlett Packard took a political history course in college.

Folks when you are thinking about violating laws of the United States or any country for that matter, you have to be the proverbial village idiot to put it in WRITING. Thats what ITT did, and it cost them dearly. Here we are 35 years later and Hewlett Packard has memos flying all through their computers in the form of e-mails, and the government will use those memos to hang the corporate officers. What were they thinking?

What Hewlett Packard should have done?

This is easy, COME CLEAN. You call a meeting with reporters as quickly as you can, and you become 100% OPEN and TRANSPARENT. You are apologetic, and you attempt to lay it all out on the table, even if you dont have the whole story. This is what I call Crisis 101 management. Instead, HP decided to put information out little by little, and when the press found something new out, they killed HP for it. Pretexting and stealing to me is the same thing. You are taking a persons records, even his identity and it doesnt belong to you.

The textbook case of crisis management remains Johnson & Johnson, and the Tylenol scandal of 1982. Some crazed individual in the Chicago area had laced Tylenol capsules with cyanide, and killed several innocent people. JNJ did not sweep it under the rug. They confronted the problem head on, and came completely clean. They accepted responsibility.

Richard Stoyecks background includes being a limited partner at Bear Stearns, Senior VP at Lehman Brothers, Kuhn Loeb, Arthur Andersen, and KPMG. Educated at Pace University, NYU, and Harvard University, today he runs Rockefeller Capital Partners and StocksAtBottom.comJupiter Blog94501
Lenette Blog95017

Why You Must Obey Movie Copyright Laws In The Digital Age

Many people have pursued the hobby of downloading movies and songs on the Internet and sharing them with their friends and family online. However, this is direct violation of U.S. copyright laws. Not surprisingly, the biggest violators of the movie copyright laws are students. The movie industry is sending out copyright infringement claims to college universities around the country. One reason that college students may be the hardest hit is that they are not aware of how serious a crime copyright infringement is.

Many college students who have lawsuits brought against them are shocked, to say the least. They question why they were not warned about the perils of downloading movies and songs online and passing them along to friends. However, with the rise of claims, no one can claim ignorance for much longer. Word is being spread near and far that if you engage in illegal downloading and/or sharing, then you can be brought to court. College students are learning the hard way that it is against the law and in violation of copyright laws to share or download copyrighted material. Many colleges and universities now state in their handbooks that it is against the law to illegally download movies, music and other forms of media using school computers.

In addition to illegal downloading and sharing movies, the files take up space on the computer systems and use a considerable amount of bandwidth. While most universities and colleges will not look at the content an individual has -- they can isolate and identify the individuals who are hogging up bandwidth by using illegal file sharing.

The movie and music industries have stepped in and are demanding restitution for illegally downloaded movies, music and other forms of copyrighted media. They have detection agencies that have the technology to identify and trace copyright infringements straight to their source. Once the computer is located they can notify the university or the college that they are in violation. The university will be told that they have a copyright infringement claim against them. Based on the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, once the computer is isolated, then Internet access is terminated to that computer and court proceedings can begin.

Does this sound far fetched? Well, it is not. You should know that a few years ago Recording Industry Association of America sued four students. These students attended Princeton, Michigan Technical University and Rensselear Polytechnic Institute. One student had an estimated liability of $150 billion. When you consider that you can be charged $750 per song that you illegally download, the total can add up fast! The good thing is the lawsuits against the college students were settled for amounts less than $20,000. That is not pocket change for college students -- or anyone for that matter!

Movies and music are meant to be enjoyed. However, illegally downloading movies and music is not much different than walking into a video store and sticking DVDs and CDs in your pocket. Be careful. You do not want to be caught violating any movie copyright laws.

Richard Cunningham is a freelance journalist who covers copyright law for Download his free e-book, "Copyright Basics" at Blog27831
Armand Blog66101

Computer Security Certification

If there has ever been a growth field, it is computer security certification. With a good computer security certificate from a reputable college, you can go anywhere. Even if you go to one of those IT training schools the you see advertised on daytime television, your certification computer security will probably open doors for you. There are all kinds of jobs for computer security experts, from Homeland security to private industry. You can help prevent data theft, write computer security software, or investigate hackers for law enforcement. For a security certified network professional, the sky is the limit.

I had never expected to get into computer security certification when I was growing up. If anything, I was on the other side of the law. Many of the experts in computer security certification were hackers when they were kids. I used to try to break into all kinds of things just to see if I could do it. It wasn't a matter of malicious intent. I just wanted to test the boundaries and see what holes computer security systems had in them. To me, it was more of a game or an intellectual exercise than an act of vandalism. Unfortunately, law enforcement did not see it that way. I was caught when I was 16 years old, breaking into the offices of a major multinational corporation. Because of my age I got off with probation, but I realized that I had to turn my life around.

I got my computer security certification training after a few years of soul-searching. To be honest, I was tempted to give up computer hacking altogether, but finally I realized that this was not the course for me. I was just too fascinated by computer networking and the security issues that it involved. I knew that, if I did not go into computer security, it was only a matter of time before I would get into trouble again. Temptation would overwhelm me, and I would suddenly found myself hacking into something or other. Although a I could get away with it for years this time (I had learned from my mistakes) is still didn't seem to be worth the risk. In the long run, I would get caught. That is why I got my computer security certification. As a certified information security auditor, I can make my hobby into my life and stay on the right side of the law.

John Mailer has written many articles about dogs and puppies and how to train them.His main business is as an internet marketer. http://www.howtostartonlinehomebusiness.comFourier Blog2054
Christine Blog3390

Advanced Auto Care Will Keep Your Car Running Smoothly

It is a fact that in America most families own at least one car, and more often two. Deciding to buy cars online or offline is not something that can be done on impulse. It is instead something that needs to be looked into and researched. Even if you are just looking for part replacements or special offers on insurance, it can still pay to look around and examine the options. Due to the rise of the internet, it is now possible to find everything you need for your car, or cars, online. This includes advanced car care.

Many of the services that you used to only be able to buy from your local garage are now available online, and you can get specialists offering advanced auto services. If your car needs advanced auto repairs, or tinting, or you are looking for an advanced auto part, then the online community is the best place to look. There are many services being specifically advertised as 'advanced auto' services, and you will probably be able to find one within easy each. Trying to sort out all of your needs online can be convenient, especially if you do not have a lot of time to research your auto stores properly. If you have a technologically advanced auto, or one with improved bodywork, then the internet may be able to find you someone who deals with your car's specific requirements.

Sorting out the needs of your cars online and your advanced auto care can be the ideal way to find cheaper deals, or experts. You will be able to discuss your car needs before you arrive at the store, and so the provider should be able to have ordered all of the necessary parts and accessories, meaning less of a wait until your car is back on the road. Any good search engine will be able to provide you with the means to sourcing a good auto store online.

Terry Bolton is an internet publisher. He runs the website Ian gives advice and helps people with automotive issues.Lark Blog35041
Fiacre Blog21292

Need to Carry Extra Luggage! Add Roof Boxes

The roof of a car generally remains vacant and does nothing extra except being a part of the body. Yet the part it plays is in no way negligible. In winters, it protects the boarders from snow and cold. In summers, it prevents rain from pouring inside the car. But this is not all that the roof of a car can do for you. You can attach roof boxes on it to get a better service from the hitherto unused part of your car.

On a normal day, when you use your car for day-to-day commuting like going to and coming from the office or shop, you do not feel the necessity of roof boxes that much. But on weekends or on holidays, when you set out for a journey that is different from your daily drive, the need for roof tops is badly felt. On that occasion, you need to carry things that you would not require on an average day.

Suppose you are on a journey with your family and you need to carry a lot of extra luggage that the boot of the car cannot accommodate. In such a situation, the roof boxes will be of great value. You can put all the extra accessories in it. Similarly, if you are out on fishing, tracking, biking etc. then also you have to take equipment that cannot be kept inside the boot of the car.

Some of the apparatus one needs to carry with him while he is on some outdoor activities may be not accommodated within a box. Hence, there occurs the necessity of some other kit that can take care of the rather bigger accessory. And it is the roof racks that serve the purpose very well. Bikes, fishing rods and wheel chairs etc. cannot be accommodated in a box but can be easily fixed with a rack.

Alexus Devon is an automobile writer specializing in automobile and car accessories (such as roof boxes) products and has written authoritative articles on the car accessories industry. He has done his Master in Business Administration and is currently assisting as a car accessories specialist.Marietta Blog49680
Jean Pierre Blog79671

Home Remodelling Loan And Checklist Before Picking A Home Remodelling Loan

On one weekend, a Saturday in particular, I decided to attend a seminar on home remodelling. I Usually prefer to call it home renovation. It was basically for the elderly people.

Am not in the elderly bracket but I decided to attend anyway because I was feeling a bit lonely and wanted to be occupied. On looking around the room, I saw that most people were in my age group.

Think it is because they have to meet most of the cost for refinancing the renovation of the home of their old ones.

This seminar turned out to be good to me and at the end I was convinced it was a good take.

In this seminar, it was revealed that research so far shows this:
It will probably cost anywhere from $100,000 to $150,000 to do a good renovation of a house for the elderly. This seems a staggering amount, until you consider that it would cost them from $3,000 to $5,000 per month if they were to rent a unit in a retirement facility in a location where they might not be as happy. Looking at it from that point of view, in four years or less, they would have spent the money anyway, and at least making home improvements allows them to continue to live in the same location and keep their asset.

The biggest challenge many older adults face when renovating their homes is how to pay for them. Many are on fixed incomes with few resources. Their property may have increased in value, but they are cash-poor.

During this seminar, a flyer was distributed that provided a telephone number for the city and county Elderly Affairs Division Rehabilitation Loan Program. Many cities have similar funds available as a means to assist individuals to stay in their own homes, rather than move to more costly facilities.

I learnt that the loan program was available to a person or family requiring home modifications, based on a health or safety need. The home loan program required that an application be submitted with information about the number of persons living in the household and their combined annual income. This information was then used to determine the interest rate for the loan. For example, for combined incomes of less than $41,000 or so, the interest rate was 2 percent; for less than $52,000, 4 percent; and so on.

Another thing I learnt is that you can also have an option, which is that of a reverse mortgage. A reverse mortgage is a special type of home loan that lets a homeowner convert a portion of the equity in his or her own home into cash. The equity built up over years of home mortgage payments can be paid to the owner, but unlike traditional home equity loans or second mortgages, no repayment is required until the borrower no longer uses the home as the principal residence.

Reverse mortgages are available through different lenders, as well as HUD. There are some property restrictions, but single-family homes, two-to-four-unit properties, condominium units, townhouses, and some manufactured homes are eligible. Generally, the greater the value of the home, the older the owners, the lower the interest rates, and the more one can borrow. This is good news right now, with interest rates so low, and it is an opportunity for your patients who have a higher annual income that disqualifies them from other programs. And if they live in an area of the country where land or home values are traditionally higher, such as Hawaii or New York, it may be the best option available for refinancing.

Given the sheer amount you have to invest or borrow, here is a checklist before you decide on any renovation project.

Consider the following before you decide how to finance your home improvement project:

-Talk to lenders about your options.

- Know that lenders are concerned about income, debts, credit history and property value.

-Consider a secured loan when you want to borrow more money, get a lower interest rate or reduce taxes.

-Refinance an existing loan if you have enough equity and if the rates are two points lower now than when you initially borrowed the money.

-Use a home equity line of credit that is secured by your home so youre your interest is tax deductible.

-Take out a home equity loan to get fixed rates and payments.

-Consider a homeowner loan that is secured by your property. Use a value added loan when the improvement you make will have a substantial impact on the market value of your home.

-Do your research before using contractor financing.

Good Luck

Get more information on home loans and loan consolidation by Lubowa.M.Planet. Visit http://www.softerdreams.orgDaniel Blog87503
Dupond Blog45202

Making Learning Fun

Autism is a disorder of the brain that is biological in function. It causes anywhere from mild to severe social impairment and an inability to function normally in society. However, there are ways to treat many of the cases of autism. Autistic children can learn and excel and if certain teaching methods are used, their progress can be nothing short of fantastic.

One of the most important things to realize in making learning fun for autistic children is the fact that they learn in different ways than children without autism. Autistic children generally have a disability in social skills. Sometimes this difficulty in communication involves language skills. However, there are a number of ways to make learning these important skills more than just a chore. By injecting fun into learning, it has been shown that autistic children learn at a faster pace. Actually, fun and learning work well for all types of children, but autistic children are special and require more tailored methods.

Children with autism seem to learn best when the instructional material is presented in visual form. In this case it might be worthwhile to try different educational programs via a computer. Using a computer is a fun way to learn. The majority of educational programs are highly visual. Many of the games available involve storylines, plots, and realistic human behaviors. Some of the skills autistic children can learn from carefully selected video games are language skills, reading and math skills, and social skills. Visual learning devices are highly effective and can be accompanied by various rewards to reinforce what is being learned. For instance, food and extended leisure activities can be used as rewards that will encourage the child to want to learn. In addition, the use of positive reinforcement will help develop a bond between student and teacher, and create a sense of trust that will help strengthen the learning environment.

Social stories are another way to make learning fun for children with autism. Since one of the aspects of autism is the inability to interact normally in a social situation, social stories can be utilized in a variety of different ways in order to model appropriate behavior. Autism education pioneer Carol Gray developed this approach in 1991. By using engaging stories, children with autism can learn appropriate and inappropriate responses to situations. The level of fun, of course, is up to the way social stories are used. Usually, the stories are tailored to the child. By modeling situations familiar to an autistic child, they can be better prepared to react in a socially appropriate to those same situations in the future. Social stories usually have three distinct ways of addressing a particular situation. The first describes who, what, where and why in relation to the situation. The second is a perspective sentence that illuminates how others react to the situation being discussed. Finally, the third sentence tries to model an appropriate response. Sometimes the use of social stories can be accompanied by music and pictures. In terms of making the process a bit more fun rewards can be used when a situation is properly addressed.

Children with autism require special education needs to address their social difficulties. It is really important to make these activities as much fun as possible so the student will stay motivated. It is not easy for an autistic child to change his or her response to various situations, so it is imperative that the activities be non-threatening and highly interesting. It has been demonstrated that over time the use of visual aids and social stories are two of the most effective ways to help autistic children overcome social situations they feel are threatening. To most of us, these situations are normal, everyday occurrences, but to children with autism they can sometimes be terrifying moments that they do not have the skills to deal with. These teaching methods, while entertaining and fun, can help children adapt and manage their perceptions of social interactions.

Rachel Evans has an interest in Autism topics. For further information on Autism please visit or Blog87043
Linda Blog51844

Ivy League Education

For many parents, especially those who reside in the northeastern United States as well as other places, the pinnacle of education is found in Ivy League schools. Their cherished dream and life-long ambition is to send their sons and daughters to these schools, believing that the higher standards of education and social connections available there will likely set up their offspring for life. They are impressed no end by the Ivy League, with its connotations of academic excellence and its reputation for social elitism, and with good reason.

The term Ivy League can trace its roots to 1935, but the term really gained national attention starting in 1954 with the formation of the NCAA Division I athletic conference. With the dearth of professional sports at the time, people became rabid supporters of their favorite college teams and the Ivy League schools were no exception. Today, the term Ivy League is no longer associated wholly with athletics but with educational philosophy as exhibited by the country's oldest schools.

There are eight private institutions that comprise the Ivy League: Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island; Columbia University in New York, New York; Cornell University in Ithaca, New York; Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire; Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts; Princeton University in the Princeton Borough and Princeton Township, New Jersey; University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; and Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut.

There are some characteristics common to Ivy League members, and these give credence to the perception that they are exceptional learning institutions. Ivy League schools consistently place among the top 20 in the US News college and university rankings; they rank among the top one percent of the world's academic institutions in terms of financial endowment; they are a haven for the country's top-tier students and faculty; and they are perceived to be socially elite.

All of the Ivy League institutions have financial endowments of over $2 billion each and are considered to be among the wealthiest private universities in the United States. Harvard, with a $25.5 billion endowment in 2005, is considered the wealthiest university in the United States and in the world. Incidentally, it is also the oldest university in the country.

Kadence Buchanan writes articles for - In addition, Kadence also writes articles for and Blog56765
Damien Blog64106

Self Defense for a New Mommy

You knew things would change once the baby was born, but didn't quite grasp how much they would change. Now you find yourself thinking about situations in entirely different light.

Walking your new baby in a stroller is great exercise for you and the fresh air is fantastic for you both. Nonetheless before you take off for a walk there are a few considerations to ensure you are prepared to keep the both of you safe.

If at all possible walk with another adult or walk inside a mall where there are lots of people. It's just safer. Always carry a well charged cell phone. Do not talk on the phone while you are walking.

Some people feel safer talking to someone on the other end of the phone while they walk. However your are unable to focus on your surroundings. You need to have domain awareness at all times. Constantly look in all directions. If you're talking on the phone, you're distracted.

Carry a whistle with you. There are many that are bracelet style and have stretchy cords for easy carrying. If someone decides to attack you or take your baby, you need to make some noise and lots of it. Additionally, blowing a whistle directly into the perpetrator's ears will cause some damage.

If you're in danger do not yell "Help! People, unfortunately do not want to get involved. You're much better off screaming "My Baby!" or "Fire!" Both of those will illicit more assistance than "help".

Attitude is everything. Even if you have to fake it until you make it pretend you are not fearful of anything. Hold your head high as you walk. If someone passes you look them directly in the eye and say "Hi"; walking with your head down only signals that you are fearful and weak.

Being a new mommy carries with it an awesome responsibility. Don't be fearful and don't be careless you'll settle into motherhood just fine!

Taurie Lynn writes for Baby Talk Radio, a weekly podcast for the baby crazy crowd.Emeline Blog34921
Jean Baptiste Blog2368

Identify and Capitalize on Your Childs Learning Style

Asking an tactile learner to learn in a classroom lecture setting is like asking him to learn a foreign language by reading it. Some education is best delivered by a particular route and some learners receive information best by a particular route. Successful teaching depends on recognizing students' learning styles and creating a learning environment that encompasses the needs of all.

First of all, let's review some of the basic learning styles:

1. Visual

Visual learners create a mental image they can recall later. To create the mental image, they must first either see the problem or situation. The visual learner is aided by demonstrations and illustrations. These learners are often good map and chart readers and may enjoy art. Visual learners often can put a toy or other item together without reading the directions because they can "see" how it goes together.

2. Auditory

Auditory learners have a good ability to mentally compartmentalize information they receive. They can organize information they hear, relate it to other information they have already gathered and retrieve it later. These learners are often good verbal communicators, have good verbal processing skills and may enjoy reading. These learners often benefit from reading text aloud and using a tape recorder.

3. Tactile or kinesthetic

Tactile learners prefer to be part of the action. They learn best not by observing, but by doing. They are the hands-on learners. These learners excel in situations where they can see and participate in immediate application of the information. They may appear bored and inattentive in a traditional classroom and may become distracted by their need for activity and exploration.

4. Interactive or iterative learners

Although not one of the traditional learning styles, this category deserves some attention. Interactive learners need give and take. They need reinforcement, correction and guidance. They may need to have the information repeated, or re-demonstrated. They may need to ask questions, seek elaboration or more focus on a particular element. This category includes both the concrete thinkers who seek all the details and the abstract learner who takes in information through analysis, observation, and thinking.

How can a teacher possibly teach students across the spectrum of learning styles? Most teachers are very aware that every child is different and plan their curriculum to motivate all students to learn. Teachers don't just know subject material, they know how to teach it. And most teachers strive to accommodate the various learning styles represented in their classroom.

Teachers use graphs, charts, maps and board games to create patterns for visual learners. When printed material is used, the teacher offers discussion, emphasizes visualization and encourages illustration. Auditory learners may do well in the traditional lecture formatted classroom, but deserve additional stimuli to broaden their learning skills and to create a richer environment. Auditory learners may enjoy discussion or debate groups. They may excel in music or a foreign language course. Science experiments, art and building projects, cooking projects or math manipulatives all contribute to the successful teaching of tactile learners. Self-esteem is promoted in tactile learners by asking them to demonstrate techniques or activities for the rest of the class.

Parents must be aware of how their children learn and seek situations or classrooms that will facilitate their success. If that is not possible, then supplemental learning material and experiences have to be sought. Fortunately for parents, there are multitudes of resources for their kids, both at home and in school. Parents should start with the techniques teachers use above and they will quickly see what their child responds to.

Encourage a visual learner to read. Computer software with creative animations or graphics will provide the visual reinforcement that will make learning easier for these students. The interactive quality of educational software helps to reinforce the written word with the visual cues.

Give an auditory learner a tape recorder and audio books. Exploit that fact that this child may learn a foreign language with ease. Foreign language instruction can successfully be learned interactively on a home computer. Engage your auditory learner in conversation. Strive to encourage complex thinking and discussion, analysis of situations and problem-solving. Discuss books, movies, feelings and facts. Encourage them to watch the nightly news and discuss it with them.

Tactile learners need to get their hands into the learning experience. Budding archaeologists and scientists love to get their hands in their work and will enjoy specialty camps and discovery museums. They might enjoy any activity from cooking to creating models of working volcanoes.

It is the students that need the extra explanation or additional reinforcement of concepts and skills that present the most challenge. Time alone is the worst enemy of this learner. Individualized attention and instruction isn't always possible within the constraints of the classroom and the school day. The interactive or iterative learner will benefit from material that supplements classroom learning, such as homework or educational software. This may take the form of a tutor or parent who can reinforce classroom concepts and provide additional instruction. Subject-specific educational software may be helpful here, due to its self-paced quality.

The most beneficial teaching technique that any parent or teacher can employ is to recognize and acknowledge that each child has a different learning style, each of which is valid. Teachers and parents who provide rich, learning environments for their students' varied learning styles will produce confident, successful kids.

Sheryl Wood is co-owner of All Educational Software, an online store with a wide selection of software for learners of all ages. Find software the entire family can use to learn to type, learn a language, help with homework and more at All Educational http://www.alleducationalsoftware.comDamien Blog89797
Marc Blog94991

Why Microsoft Windows Vista May Struggle

So, as most of you all know Microsoft is releasing its first Operating System since the 2001 release of Microsoft Windows XP. Is it going to be a success on a similar level to the its previous and very popular Operating System?

Opinions are obviously widespread and vary greatly but there are some fundamental issues that may cause sales to struggle.

Firstly, the current Operating System, Microsoft Windows XP is very popular and Vista doesnt really have anything major that will cause people to be eager to switch. When Windows 98 was replaced by XP it had many aspects which made it easier to persuade people to upgrade such as the ability for plug and play hardware for ease of installation. Such advances in computing are not seen within Vista.

There are changes which many a computer professional will find useful such as easier and more secure networking features and also Windows Superfetch, which is able to get more out of the Random Access Memory (RAM) your machine has. However, these improvements may not be seen as valuable enough to prompt a change in Operating System for the less technical home user.

As for Businesses, many will hold back for at least the initial six months to one year period for a number of reasons. Microsoft Windows XP has had some security problems which Microsoft has been addressing and a new Operating System could potentially have some security faults and loopholes which you can guarantee will be very tempting to hackers mainly to have a laugh at the expense of Microsoft.

Many businesses have, believe it or not, only changed over from Windows 98 to Windows XP in the last year or two and another change over which will be time consuming and costly is unlikely to happen initially.

Whilst Microsoft currently has the lion share of the market other Operating Systems such as Linux and Mac OS are becoming more and more popular as a valid alternative to the Windows Operating System. Microsoft needs to be careful not to alienate or confuse its users to avoid increasing the number of users using other alternatives. Other Operating Systems are also less susceptible to hackers and viruses due to the fact hackers mainly target Windows simply because most people use it.

Another issue would be regarding the cost. Many expect Vista to be cheaper than Windows XP was when it was first released to encourage people to switch. However, will users be willing to pay out when XP is still a very usable Operating System?

The majority of new users is likely to be buyers of new PCs which will come with Vista as the pre-installed Operating System.

Of course Microsoft Windows Vista will eventually take over Windows XP given time and I fully expect it to be a better Operating System once any teething problems are resolved. I personally will be upgrading without any doubt, but only after I know it has been tried and tested to make it worthwhile for me to make the change and Im sure many others will follow suit.

Andrew Peers is owner and founder of which helps users with their IT related problems. Andrew has also studied and been working in the IT field for a number of years.Euclide Blog70551
Lazare Blog89821

Songwriters! - Whatcha Doin In Your Rhythm Fit?

I was watching TV recently and I saw a movie that I hadn't seen in a long time that changed musical history. Wow! Where has the time gone? Can you believe that it's been almost 30 years since the movie "Saturday Night Fever" came out and broke all records at the box office and music sales.

Songwriters and Musicians - Do You Want To Get Paid? You need to go out and rent this movie, or even better, buy the soundtrack and study it very closely. Saturday Night Fever is one of the best selling record albums ever made because of one thing, GREAT SONGS.

The level of song craftsmanship is off the hook. The variety of music in this movie covers every single emotion. There's straight dance music, love songs, funk, r & b, pure disco, ballads, and more.

Up and coming songwriters should make it a point to regularly refer to the greats of the past and examine every nuance of their writing. These masters take the craft to a whole new level that still gets them income decades later.

Don't make the mistake of considering artists like the Bee Gees, or Kool and the Gang, as old fashioned and not what you need to study. These people made hits time and time again, proving that it was no accident. Wouldn't you like to have a fraction of their success? You can if you study them carefully.

You can listen to these songs 30 years later and even though styles have changed, a great song lives forever, and that's how you really get paid. Publishing royalties get you paid over and over and over again.

There is a BIG difference between a SONG and a RECORD. Great songs from the 70's and 80's are constantly being redone and sampled by younger writers and artists all the time. As a result, the songwriters of that era are still getting paid time and time again.

The thing that determines whether music sounds modern or old fashioned are the changes to the beat and rhythm. This applies to singing as well as musical instruments. You can even sing the melody to "Mary Had A Little Lamb" over reggae, rock ,or rap and it takes on a new sound each time, but that great and simple melody is still the basis of it all.

Just think about how differently singers such as Nat King Cole, Judy Garland, Lena Horne, Frank Sinatra, Sara Vaughn, and Elvis Presley sounded compared to singers like Aretha Franklin, Patsy Cline, James Brown, Stevie Wonder, Chaka Khan, Mary J. Blige, or Beyonce.

Young people started singing and making music with more complicated syncopation compared to back in the day when rhythms were much simpler. But, the same 12 musical notes still exist. They just get shifted to different rhythm based on what's happening now.

Even rap is not immune to this effect. Think about how complicated the rhythm is for most rap compared to the days of "Rapper's Delight".

My point to this whole comparison is that if you build your song based on a great foundation of strong melody and lyrics, then it doesn't matter what happens with the rhythm too much because your song can be done in many styles and redone in the future. This will provide you with income well into the future because more than just one artist can perform it.

Destiny's Child redid "Emotions" written by the Bee Gees and it became a hit all over again and they get paid all over again decades later.

Study, study, study old songs to learn the craft and you'll have a huge advantage over your peers. Learn the reason why these songs are so catchy and why you can remember them even if you were a kid when you first heard them. They hook you and never let you go. So now YOU - GO FISH.

Grammy Winning Engineer Khaliq Glover aka Khaliq-O-Vision clients include Prince, Herbie Hancock, Michael Jackson, Justin Timberlake, and more. Helping Musicians and Songwriters make more powerful music is the goal.Georges Blog23307
Isis Blog80372

Why Do We Have Conflict At Work? The Ubiquitous Position Description

I once applied for a job as a Training Manager in a dynamic and rapidly developing organisation. My application was successful and I was delighted to find out that one of my colleagues whom I got on with very well from my previous organisation (we occasionally had barbecues at one another's homes) had also applied for a job with the new organisation and would be working alongside me. Apparently and unbeknown to one another, we had both applied for the same role as Training Manager. They had liked us both and as they were expanding rapidly, they employed both of us. They designated my role as "Senior Training Manager" and his as "Training Manager". Over barbecue discussions, we both said how much we were looking forward to working together in this new and exciting environment.

A couple of weeks into our new roles, my colleague and I were starting to have some differences, which by the end of three months, had escalated to conflict. Why? We liked one another, got on well together both socially and as work colleagues in our previous organisation and shared very similar views on the role of the training function.

The problem lay in the "how" the training function was to be managed I had my views and he had his. Our new organisation had developed Position Descriptions for each of our new roles, but they were written in "input" terms i.e., how we should do things rather than "output" terms, i.e.., what we were each expected to achieve. As a result, there was major overlap in role descriptions and so our disagreements became "role conflict".

One of the real problems I find with Position Descriptions is that they are often written in Input terms (i.e. what people do) rather than Outputs (i.e. what people achieve). This is often sadly also true for PD's written in KRA (Key Result Areas) terms. The result? People can stick rigidly to what they are expected to do rather than looking at the bigger picture and what they need to achieve for the betterment of their team and ultimately, the organisation. In addition to the potential for role conflict, this can lead to other problems.

For example, in larger organisations, particularly where there is a culture of "rigid hierarchy", use of PDs in this manner invariably leads to conflict and the PD being used as alibi paper when something that should have been achieved, slips through the cracks (even the best written PDs will not cover all eventualities, that is why the focus on outputs is so important). In smaller organisations, use of PDs written in input terms can lead to a feeling of being overworked or "this is not my responsibility" when the person has to do something that is not specifically written into their PD.

The answer to all of this, for both large and small organisations, is to use the PD and in particular the writing of the PD, as a process of agreement between people as to what their output areas are. It is the process of discussing and agreeing on output areas that is critical for effective working relationships, job design and ultimately organisation structure, not the piece of paper that the PD ends up on.

PDs should not be written in isolation by one person, nor should they be written by the HR Department. The HR Department's (or HR person's) role in PDs is to coach, train and facilitate the writing of the PDs by the people who will be doing the actual work.

How do you write effective Position Descriptions that are expressed in output terms? One way is to convert existing PDs. For example, look at the following list of duties from the Supervisor's PD at a large main frame computer centre:

1. Supervise and direct the operations of the computer room in a large scale, multi-mainframe operations environment.

2. Provide on-the-job training aides for operating staff to ensure the standard operations procedures are maintained.

3. Provide assistance in the analysis and correction of systems hardware, software and production failures and/or notify appropriate personnel.

4. Maintain computer usage records and operational logs.

5. Deputise for the shift manager.

All of the above are expressed as "inputs" rather than "outputs" In output terms they could be written as:

1. Supervise and direct the operations of the computer room in a large scale, multi-mainframe operations environment. Would be rewritten as . . .

Mainframe down time is minimal

Quality output standard of data is maintained

All staff meet their performance standards

2. Provide on-the-job training aides for operating staff to ensure the standard operations procedures are maintained. Would be rewritten as . . .

Standard operating procedures followed

Errors are minimised

Problems solved within specified time and quality standards

You may like to try your hand at rewriting 3, 4 & 5!

As you do, you will notice that outputs start to repeat themselves fairly frequently. That's because outputs focus on the results not "how " the job is done. Although "how" is important, it can be stated in terms of standards that must be met and maintained overstating the "how" and breaking it down to a small number of tasks, leaves people with no room for initiative nor decision making and often leads to role overlap or underlap which eventually ends in conflict.

How do we arrive at outputs? Very simply. Just add " . . . so that" to each input and complete the sentence. Or, ask "Why?" of each input and keeping asking "Why?" until the answer becomes an output. For example, "Supervise and direct the operations of the computer room in a large scale, multi-mainframe operations environment . . . so that . . . Mainframe down time is minimal . . . so that . . . Quality output standard of data is maintained . . . so that . . . All staff meet their performance standards" Most PD's written in output terms will have no more than 5 or 6 outputs. For lower level roles, this can rise to as many as 8 10 (although be careful that none of these are or become inputs). The more senior the role, the less number of outputs a manager should have until ultimately the CEO has only one "Stakeholder expectations managed effectively"

Remember as I said earlier, it is the process of discussing and agreeing on output areas that is critical for effective working relationships, job design and ultimately organisation structure, not the piece of paper that the PD ends up on. So make sure the people doing the work are involved in writing the PDs.

Oh, by the way, you may be wondering what eventually happened between my colleague and I. He applied for a role elsewhere in the organisation his old role was not refilled. I and the organisation had learned about "outputs" by that stage. Happy output development!

Copyright (c) 2006 The National Learning Institute

Like most of us, Bob Selden has experienced conflict in the workplace on numerous ocassions. As MD of The National Learning Institute, he has written this article in the hope that it helps you prevent workplace conflict. If youd like to share your experiences with Bob, please contact him via Blog31518
Christine Blog3390

A List Of Inventions I'm Waiting For

This is a personal list of inventions I am waiting to see produced. Make them real and you'll have at least one customer.

1. Air conditioned jacket. I noticed one hot day that the fan didn't cool me nearly as well when I was shirt-less as when I wore a jacket or shirt and let the fan blow into it. This directed the cooling breeze all around my torso and arms (the air escapes out the bottom, collar and sleeves). A jacket with a small battery-operated fan would do the same thing. Wear a wet t-shirt underneath and the circulating air would make it downright chilly in there.

2. A money sanitizer. Viruses and more are spread by the handling of bills. A simple machine, using either heat or a disinfecting agent, could make those bills safe to handle.

3. Artificial foot soles. Hikers and backpackers get blisters from friction. Feet slide and move in shoes and get "hot spots" that become blisters. The solution? Insoles that are glued to the bottom of your feet. These might be made of felt or some other material. This product would need a solvent for easy removal. Perhaps they could be reused, gluing and removing them repeatedly, like dentures are used.

4. Morbid soda. There are those who like the darker side of things. Why not have soft drinks with plastic animal embryos in them? Make them too large to come out of the bottle, to prevent choking.

5. Fully padded snow sleds. Sledding can be painful and dangerous. The solution may be to fully pad a sled, and provide some kind of safety harness, so even after flipping over the rider can remain uninjured.

6. Television goggles. We put headphones on to listen to music wherever we go. Why not have goggles that have a television screen inside them?

7. Insult toilet paper. Who do you want to use and flush down the toilet? Politicians would probably be well represented on the list of faces printed on this toilet paper.

8. Tiny poetry books. These mini-books would be ideal for attaching to bottles of wine, as a romantic novelty. They could also be sold with bouquets of roses, and boxes of chocolates.

9. Kites for boats. Sail boats are complicated, with their masts, booms, and keels. What if you want a simple way to propel your canoe or rowboat across that lake, using the wind? A large kite could be the answer. Make it like a para-sail, and it would be light to carry and simple to use.

(This is really a partial list of inventions I want to see made. There are many more things I am waiting for, from flying bicycles to in-the-home grocery stores.)

Copyright Steve Gillman. For inventions, new product ideas, business ideas, story ideas, political and economic theories, deep thoughts, and a free course on How To Have New Ideas, visit : Blog51844
Isis Blog8838

Dont Let Your First Year Ruin Your Chances Of Success

Have you heard how difficult college can be the first year? Transitioning from high school to college is no walk in the park. Many students move out of their comfy, safe homes to tackle life as an adult for the very first time, causing students to struggle under the pressure. Balancing part-time jobs, club activities, sporting events, socializing, and course work can be daunting, but it doesnt have to be.

Contrary to what your classmates say, the key to succeeding in college is not networking, joining as many social clubs as you can, or attending every party on campus. The key to succeeding in college is hard workplain and simple. And to help you succeed, weve come up with a few simple tips to make the transition from high school student to college student easier:

1. Purchase a portable file cabinet. In your file cabinet, keep important documents in hanging folders. Documents like: school transcripts, college acceptance letters, letters of recommendations, resumes, scholarship information, bills by name, emergency contact numbers, and your social security card.

2. Purchase a planner. While it may seem dorky to carry a planner with you everywhere you go, its a great way to make sure you dont over-commit yourself. Pencil in extra-curricular activities, but PEN in school and job obligations. While you can cancel extra-curricular activities, or arrange them to fit your schedule, classes, test dates, and work days cannot be altered. And to help remind of those important test dates, highlight the dates with a yellow marker.

3. Set realistic goals. One reason some college students dont succeed the first year is because they do not take the time to set realistic goals. In your minds eye, you are Superman and can accomplish anything you set your mind to, even if it means juggling two important obligations on the same day, at the same time. But real life isnt a movie. You cannot be in two places at the same time, nor can you complete a three hour project in only 30 minutes. Know your goals. Understand them, break them down into smaller, more manageable tasks, then schedule specific dates and times on your calendar to complete those tasks.

4. Find a study partner. Difficult classes should never be taken without the help of a study partner. Study partners are great for bouncing ideas off, keeping you accountable when youd rather flake on a difficult subject, and even encourage you to seek a tutor. They also make planning regular study sessions fun!

5. Visit your student advisor or counselor. Student counselors are available to help make your transition painless. They can provide a list of resources for scholarships and grants, make sure you stay on track academically, provide a list of tutors, and even offer advice on personal subject matters that may be causing havoc in your school life.

6. Keep your space clean and organized. When your living space is clean, your soul feels relaxed and youre more apt to study than run away. An organized space will also save you from missing important deadlines and keep you from spending hours searching for your latest college assignment.

7. Have fun. All work and no play not only makes Jack a dull boy, but when you dont take the time to have a little fun, your work and study schedule can feel burdensome which can hurt your study habits and test scores.

Finally, take care of your health by making time for exercising, getting plenty of rest, and eating healthy foods.

The Institute of Allied Medical Professions, also known as IAMP, has an established record for turning out some of the best medical students in the country. To learn more about IAMPs medical schools, our courses, or the industry visit our blog at or our main website at Madeleine Blog82120
Harmonie Blog51476

The A-B-Cs of Domain Name Registration

Before registering a domain name, know the facts. Domain name registration is easy - finding the perfect domain name for your personal or business website is not! There are thousands of possibilities for your domain name, but you can only choose one domain name for a website. So, you must make it count! Here are some pointers to get you started with domain name registration. It's easier than you think.

Keep your Domain Name Simple

A domain name should be simple so visitors will remember it easily. What's easier to remember - three or four words, or only one or two words? Obviously a short, simple domain name is easier to remember. The shorter the name, the less likely people are to misspell it as well. Your goal in choosing a domain name should be to find one that is easy to remember, easy to spell, and will stand out in the minds of visitors. It should be related to your products and services, or personal website theme.

TIP: Avoid using your company name initials or your own name initials. These do not describe anything at all about your website's theme. Visitors will not remember it unless you promote it heavily on national television and all over the Web. But, we'll leave that to "Corporate Web" for now!

Domain Name Registration Pricing

Don't be fooled by high domain name registration prices. Whether you pay a cheap domain name registration fee or a high fee, you're still getting the same thing - a domain name! There's no secret add-on service that can benefit you unless you're getting web hosting or a low-cost web site with your domain name. Otherwise, domain name registration is the same whether you order a cheap domain name or an expensive one. Be sure to shop around before you register.

Checking Domain Name Availability

You can visit almost any web hosting site to check the availability of a domain name. Never assume a domain name is available just because it doesn't show online when you try to bring it up in your browser. If a domain name is not showing online, it could be that the site's server is down at the moment, the owner is still designing a new web site and hasn't put it online yet, or the owner might be trying to sell the domain name. When you check to see if the domain name is available, you do not have to purchase it from the site where you checked. You can purchase it from any company that offers domain name registration once you know it is available.

Beware of Expired Domain Names

If you are considering buying an expired domain name, do research before completing the domain name registration process. You could be wasting your money! Ask the registrar questions about why the domain name has expired, what type of site it was before expiring, etc. Some expired domain names have been banned from the search engines all together because they were used by spammers or those selling illegal products or services. If that were the case, you'd be better off finding another domain name. Once a site is banned from the search engines, getting it listed again is almost impossible. Your chances for good, targeted traffic are next to none.

Web Hosting and Domain Names

Some companies offer both web hosting and domain name registration. Others might offer one or the other, or a combined package where you can get a low-cost web site along with a cheap domain name and web hosting. Though it's easier to keep up with billing and expenses if you do all this through one company, you are not required to host your site with the same company where you register your domain name. It will not affect how your web site services are handled, or how you operate your site.

Domain name registration can be an easy process once you decide on the right domain name. Your domain name will be a key player in your online success, so take your time to choose a winner!

Chris Robertson is a published author of Majon International. Majon International is one of the worlds MOST popular internet marketing and internet advertising companies on the web. Visit their main business resource web site at: http://www.majon.comFete Blog8329
Gabriel Blog32942

US Immigration Services

Many of the web sites that you uncover on this subject will be useful, but there will be a few that won't be. The information superhighway is overflowing with great and great information on the topic of immigration naturalization consultant. Yet another encouraging thing is that as time progresses, there will be more and more exceptional sources of details on this. It is our intention to deliver the most up to date info and news on this topic as possible. When you've recognized this, you'll be able to search in a quicker fashion.

The really exciting thing about the internet is that you can use it from virtually everywhere. The finest search engine for tracking down immigration naturalization consultant releated info is Yahoo. Keep in mind, as the net continues to branch out, there will be a larger number authority sites which will surface. Don't be afraid to invest a bit when it comes to this matter as it should be worth it. A person can always be certain that searching this subject matter will sooner or later deliver answers. Sometimes you might have to pay for good resources about this, however most of the time you will not.

The business affiliated with the subject of immigration naturalization consultant is always expanding. Periodically, you may feel frustrated by the diverse information that is on the world wide web. Remember, you're not going to find that every portion of immigration naturalization consultant info helpful.

While many may feel that the greatest weapon to utilize for uncovering useful information regarding this topic is the library, it's important not to forget about secondary sources. Currently, there are a larger number immigration naturalization consultant web sites than ever before. As you are looking around for some relevant information, make sure that you utilize all resource obtainable. One of the biggest challenges you'll run into as you are doing research on immigration naturalization consultant info is allocating the time to keep digging. As you're doing your research, don't rule out paid ads as a way of learning more about this. Locating the most usable responses to your inquiries on the internet isn't laborious.

It's imperative to bookmark the five-star authorities available on this topic. When you've searched around with a search engine like Google to dig up tips about this, don't forget about your city library. Many of the resources that you uncover on this subject will be helpful, but there will be a few that won't be. Yet another top notch tool for researching on immigration naturalization consultant is the internet. Our passion for immigration naturalization consultant writing has resulted in this web page. Yet another encouraging fact is that as time moves on, there will be a greater number of good sources of information on this.

Hassan Aanbar is an expert in legal issues such as immigration and naturalization.Jessica Blog42551
Delphine Blog26023

How To Build An Effective Mail Server Defense

A multi-stage approach to securing your email communication

When speaking of mail server-related security, one tends to limit the issue to message applied security measures, and even more to Antivirus and Antispam protection. This is however only one stage in the more complex process of securing your server. This article aims at identifying and explaining all security layers, highly important when choosing a certain mail server and consequently when configuring and using it.

We have chosen a multi-stage approach for your mail server securing procedure, each stage addressing one of the security layers we consider relevant: connection-related layer, protocol security, email control parameters (including Antivirus and Antispam applications), and the configuration and management layer (most likely to be affected by human errors).

The sections below describe security measures adapted to each layer of security:

1. Securing mail server connections

When using a newly installed mail server, administrators should first make sure they use secure connections. There are two main possibilities to secure connections: encryption and firewall-like rules.

Encoding methods have continuously been developed as the Internet has become the preferred medium for data transfers. The most commonly used encryption methods are SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) and TLS (Transport Layer Security). However, incorrect usage of encryption often leads to security breaches. Most common examples are web pages containing both secured and unsecured information or communications secured only after login via a plain login page.

Firewall-like rules enforced at server level are recommended to backup an existing Firewall or replace it when one is not available. They can impose limitations both on established connections and on hosted traffic. We recommend creating allow/deny rules both globally (applied to all protocols and listeners) and specifically for each listener in order to prevent attacks such as DOS (Denial of service).

2. Securing mail server protocols

After securing the first stage of an email transfer, the next action to take would be securing protocols.

The recommended steps are to use multiple listeners for each interface and correlate them with certain allow and deny rules. Also, limiting the number of connection and authentication errors, the maximum number of commands or setting a time-out for your sessions can help protect your server from further DOS attacks.

To further enhance protocol security, we recommend client control rules, based on the sender or receiver address and certain limitations regarding the number and size of email messages.

Authentication is also highly important at protocol level. By implementing several authentication methods, either simple (plain, login, CRAM-MD5), or complex (GSSAPI, Kerberos), the mail server enhances communication security and is better equipped against attacks and unauthorized access.

Other efficient protocol level solutions are making sure your mail server is RFC compliant and preventing email looping (a very simple method would be setting a maximum numbers of "Received" headers per email).

3. Securing email control parameters

Apart from using different Antispam and Antivirus applications, there are further actions you should keep in mind where email control based security is concerned. One very handy option would be using gray lists. Gray listing is basically a request to have the email resent, after temporarily rejecting the email. The server saves in a list the sender IP and the recipient and returns a temporary error. All valid servers will then resend the emails, unlike spamming scripts. Please note however that many servers cannot differentiate at this time between a temporary and a permanent error.

Host control is another easy way to ensure only valid emails are further processed by your email server. Two well known methods are SPF (Sender Policy Framework) and DNS based black hole lists. SPF records are public details published by domains within DNS servers. Usually they point to and confirm the real addresses of domains. By using SPF checks, you can successfully prevent spam and back-scatter emails.

Black lists may be either public (free of charge) or private and usually contain IP addresses of open-relay servers, open proxies and ISPs with no spam filtering. Your server needs to be set up such as to request such lists and not to accept connections initiated by IP addresses included in them. If one of your servers gets erroneously listed, to be removed from such a list, you might need to fill an online form, contact the list administrators or, in more severe situations, change your IP.

A more complex authentication method is DKIM (Domain Keys Identified Mail Signature). Implemented by Yahoo and supported by Google, Cisco, , PGP, DKIM has considerable chances of becoming the standard authentication method. The email header contains an encrypted signature and is in its turn encrypted, pointing to an encrypted key, published on DNS servers by the sending domain. The server processing the email will use this key to decode the email body. If the decryption is successful, then the email is valid.

Relay rules can sometimes make the difference between a secured server and an unsecured one. Our first recommendation is to never accept open relaying, as it can easily get you black listed. Therefore you should implement a few relay rules, based on sender address/recipient address, or relay for authenticated users only. When selecting your mail server, you should make sure it has the following features: it allows creating relay rules, domain authentication is configurable, the sending interface is customizable, it supports SSL/TSL and different authentication methods and extensions.

4. Secure configuration and administration

Configuration and administration are not commonly regarded as a security layer. However, the configurability features offered by the server and the actual configuration made by the user play a key part in securing your MTA. Firstly, the administrator should get acquainted to the solution, all its features and all its flaws, if any. The server executable file needs to support programming with no memory leaks, dropping root privileges (on Unices systems only), and blocking all access requests except those for public files.

Access to the configuration file should be granted to the administrator only. Further more, the file should always be very specific, easy to understand and to modify, while all default values should be secure. For example, a default value allowing open relay would represent a major security flaw.

Alternate administration modules (web interface, command line interface) should be provided for modifying the server configuration. It is also highly important that all connections to these modules are made through SSL. To make sure you securely access these modules, we recommend using a mail server with proprietary HTTP server and HTML-based scripting language.

Our most complete security recommendation is implementing a "smart-hosting" system. Such a system consists of several mail servers installed on different machines, each performing a specific task. The server offering the best connection and protocol security should be focused on firewall protection. The second one should run email control parameters (including Antispam and Antivirus applications). The third one should be mainly focused on domain management. However, smart hosting might require more hardware and software resources than those available within your system.


The most important aspect you should keep in mind is that there is no full proof security; therefore an optimal protection should substitute perfection. At each security layer, there are possible flaws and breaches. The solution is to choose the best possible configuration and adapt it to your network's needs and topology.

If you have any further questions or comments regarding the content of this article, feel free to email the AXIGEN support team.
Liviu Anghel is Chief Security Officer at Gecad Technologies. GECAD TECHNOLOGIES ( founded in 2001, was first involved in technology research, and project management, has offered services initially for antivirus industry. Since 2003, we have concentrated on a new technology: messaging solutions, under the brand AXIGEN.Luc Blog73419
Jules Blog53197

Monday, February 4, 2008

10 Guidelines For A Stress-Free Labor

Being pregnant is truly exhilarating, especially when the due date is approaching. You must be very anxious right now. You feel that you can not wait for the baby to arrive, yet you get this nervousness about how your labor is going to be.

There are actually some things that you should be ready too. Those you can do to ensure that the delivery is as stress free as possible. Dont forget to ask your partner/spouse to stick together with you in this, and especially when the delivery comes.

Here are the things:

1. Be prepared

Get the easy stuff out of the way! Have your overnight bag packed with night clothes, a robe, a going home outfit, toiletries, including your preferred brand of maxi pad and a baby outfit. Also have a diaper bag ready with spare diapers and all the powder, baby oil and wipes you might need between the hospital and home.

2. Have your overnight bag packed

And, whatever you do, leave the overnight bag where both you and your spouse can find it. When you start feeling labor pains, you do not want to be stuck searching the house high and low for your to-go bag. You just want to go, and being prepared can take so much stress away from an already hectic day. In your packing, also do not forget to bring along important phone numbers of family and friends you will want to call, as well as your insurance information.

3. Prepare your car with a regulation car seat

Being prepared also extends to the car; it is recommended that you have your vehicle already equipped with a regulation car seat. Doing so will make things go so much easier when its time to bring baby home; you cannot leave the hospital without placing baby in a car seat (no matter how much you may want to hold him!). So, let Dad get the car seat set up and practice taking a baby doll in and out of it.

4. Know where you are going

Speaking of the car, know where you are going. This might sound obvious, but when you factor in traffic jams and accidents that may close down familiar streets, it makes more sense. It really helps to do practice runs with alternative routes to the hospital before the big day.

Be prepared for inclement weather, traffic accidents and closed roads. This way, if one path is closed, Dad wont send Mom into a panic by taking another less familiar route. Trust us, when a woman is in labor, its not the time to spring any unnecessary surprises on her.

On that matter, make sure your car is also tuned up, filled with gas and fully equipped with a spare tire and any tools for patching up a flat. And never leave home without a cell phone. This way, you can call an ambulance if you experience car trouble.

5. Pre-register at the hospital if possible

Furthermore, if at all possible, pre-register at the hospital. Doing so cuts down on the amount of paperwork you have to complete when you go into labor. And, it makes it easier for the staff to assist you if they already know which doctor to call and which medications you can and cannot take.

6. Know who will be with you during the labor

Once you do reach the hospital, know who will be with you during the labor. If you only want your hubby in the delivery room, make that known. Dont worry about hurting peoples feelings, either. This day is about what makes you most comfortable.

7. Concentrate on something other than your pain during labor

Eventually, all the other concerns will seem small as the labor pains increase. If you need any antibiotics, such as for strep, make sure you get them--likewise with any pain killers. After your water breaks and you are in labor, relax and practice your breathing techniques. Chew on some ice to re-hydrate yourself, too; realize that labor is a long and hard process, so dont get exasperated. If you can concentrate on something other than your pain during the labor, that also helps. For example, if you can concentrate on a clock or a painting, you can better focus.

8. Hold your baby right after the delivery

Eventually, youre bundle of joy will emerge. When he/she does, make sure you hold your baby right after the delivery so you know for yourself that everything is OK.

9. Get plenty of rest afterward

Then, get plenty of rest afterwards and dont be afraid to ask the nurse to limit your visitors. You will be busy and unable to get much uninterrupted sleep once you leave the hospital, so take advantage while you can.

10. Dont let others comments bother you

Finally, dont let others comments bother you. Of course, not everyone will love the adorable name you select for your baby, but that isnt your problem. Likewise, if you decide to bottle feed instead of breast feed, expect some (unsolicited) comments. Just remember, its your baby, so do what feels right to you. Thats the best way to remain a stress-free Mommy!

Hope you have a safe delivery and a healthy baby!

Adwina Jackson has a deep concern on parenting. Get her inspirational guides about Pregnancy Without Stress at Blog73487
Elisee Blog28021

Entering College For Free Through Scholarship

The cost of college education is constantly increasing every year. Presently, a student has to pay for about $20,000 on an average school. The problem is, at this amount many American households find it difficult to maintain at least a member of their family to finish a degree or at least stay in school for the following year. This problem can be solved, however, through college scholarships.

There are different college and university scholarships available for different types of student. With a little knowledge on their nature, you may find one where you can fit in; and hopefully finishing college for free.

So what are your college scholarship options?

Academic scholarship

Academic scholarship is given to students who receive the highest mark in the graduation class, endorse by the school to apply for an academic scholarship or meet the necessary grade point average set by the school. If you do not fall in any of the conditions mentioned, ask your high school academic guidance counselor for details on the different ways on how to avail for academic scholarships. Usually some colleges and universities accept applicants with an average high school GPA but pass the entrance test(s).

Athletic scholarship

Colleges and universities offer free education for students with exceptional gift in sports. Recipients of the athletic scholarship are often selected among the graduating high school students. However, there are some schools that open the possibility for students to apply for athletic scholarship after they have enrolled in college.

Corporate scholarship

Many companies stretch their services by granting students with free college education. The good thing about corporate scholarship is that upon receiving the degree, the grantees are assured to land on a job (on the same company that gave them the scholarship).

Institutional scholarship

Many private individuals, institutions, and groups give free college education to those who cannot pay for college tuition. Some of them answer the need of a particular race, age, gender, and locale among others.

Union scholarship

Most union scholarship grants are given to the children of its members. If one of your parents is a member of a certain union, you can inquire about the possibility of applying for a college scholarship.

Religious organizations

Religious organizations and church groups allocate a fund for scholarship grants to their members who cannot afford the cost of college education. You can inquire about this in your church.

Local government grants

One of the best sources of free college education is your local government. Here, you can get as much as 100% scholarship grant depending on their set conditions. Availing a local government scholarship can also give you a big chance to land on a job immediately.

Know all these and you will surely go to college for free.

This content is provided by Low Jeremy. It may be used only in its entirety with all links included. For more information on scholarship & other useful information, please visit Blog82050
Lisa Blog14631

Texas Holdem Strategy - Poker Terminology

For all you new players out there that are just getting in to poker, heres a list of common poker terms that you will need to know. These terms are good both online and in a normal card game with your buddies.

Limit Poker: This is poker with set limits. For example, a 1 dollar/2 dollar limit Holdem game only allows a raise a maximum of 2 dollars at a time before the flop until the river. This is the opposite of no limit Holdem where a player can raise any amount at any time.

Blind (Small blind/big blind): These are the ante for Texas Holdem Poker. The two players the left of the dealer must place the pre-determined amount before they have a chance to see the cards. If there is a raise and either of these players fail to call, their blind is forfeited.

Flop: this is the first three cards that are turned over after all bets have been made and or called.

Turn: This is the 4th card to be revealed in a game of Texas Holdem.

River: This is the last card to be revealed in a game of Texas Holdem.

Board Cards: These are the cards on the table that all players share and use to make their hands.

Position (early and late): This is where you are seated in comparison to the dealer button. Early position is the spot right after the big blind and strategically has the worst position on the board because this position must call before he knows what the other players will do. Late position is on or near the dealer button and is considered the best position because you get to see how the other players will act before you make a decision whether to play your hand or not.

Pre-flop: This is when all you have is the 2 cards in your hand and the cards on there have not been any community cards revealed.

Draw: A player is said to be on a draw if a player calls a bet in hopes that the next card will give him the winning hand. For example if a player has QK in his hand and the flop is 10 Jack 2, and the player calls a bet in hopes of a 9 or an Ace.

Outs: This is the number of cards that a player could draw in order to produce the winning hand. If the flop is QJ2 and a player has 10 9, he needs either a King or an 8 in order to complete a straight. There are 4 Kings and 4 eights in the deck leaving a total of 8 outs to make a straight.

Pot Odds: This is the ratio of how large of a bet you must call to the size of the pot. If you are clearly behind in a hand but your opponent bets 1 dollar at a 100 dollar pot. It is worth risking one more dollar to see the next card that might win you a 100. But say your opponent bet 120 dollars at a hundred dollar pot, and you dont have a hand, it is not worth calling 120 dollars to see the next card.

Shorthand: This is a game of poker that has less than 6 players.

Longhand: This is a game that has at least seven players involved.

If you are new to online poker, don't just jump in to high-stakes games. Start out at the free or small blind tables and progress up to higher stakes as you become more comfortable with the game. Some good sites for not only playing normal cash games, but also small nickle blind and free tables is and Good Luck!

For more articles about poker visit Texas Holdem Strategy.

Micheal Thorn is an avid poker player both online and in the poker rooms. He writes about anything and everything to do with poker. For more articles about poker visit Texas Holdem Strategy.Cascades Blog24346
Eymard Blog13252

Natural Way of Breast Enhancement

Women usually feel sexier having well-shaped and
rounded breasts. They feel confident about
themselves, no doubt about that.

Surgical breast enlargement procedures such as
breast augmentation and breast lift are few of
the ways that women can undergo in order to have
nicely shaped breasts. But having numerous
alarming or harmful side effects, a lot of women
are afraid to make use of these procedures and
prefer to use natural breast enhancement.

Indeed, most women want to be beautiful and sexy,
reason why they want to have breast enhancement.
Because they are tired of being ashamed to wear
sexy clothes or even swim suit when they go to
beaches. But they want to make sure to find the
best way in order to have the enhancement without
any adverse reactions or any risks of harmful
side effects.

There are some post-operative effects that a
woman can get with surgical breast augmentation
such as infection, hardening of the breasts, and
even the loss of sensation in the nipples.
Breasts implant can break or leak, which will
cause a change in the shape of the breasts and
the possibility to feel discomfort with your
breasts. When problem acquire regarding your
surgical breast augmentation, it can be treated
by removing the implant after the infection has
been cleared, and replace it with a new one, so
you have to undergo another surgery again.

There are plenty of products and methods that are
non-surgical that claim to help women to enhance
and enlarge their breast. Special bras, creams,
weights, are few of these products and methods
that can enhance your breasts.

But a lot of women prefer to use or take breast
enlargement pills as a way of enlarging and
enhancing their breasts. This pills can aid women
to have well-shaped breasts without resorting to
any surgery that can give women some risks of
having adverse reactions.

Majority of these pills are herbal and made with
all natural formulations. So if you desire to
enhance your breasts naturally, better to use
herbal products that can enhance and enlarge your
breasts without any harmful side effects.

But as an advice, when looking for a natural
breasts enhancement, you have to take time to
research few options that you can use. It is
wiser to know the products and details. You have
to make sure about the company and the products.
Make sure to read and research. Do your homework,
if you truly want to enhance your breasts, take
some time to research.

You can use the internet to research and find the
best natural breast enhancement for you. There
are also some company who claims to have the best
products but these products never works, so you
have to be careful. Make sure that the company is
reliable one and has high quality products.

Indeed, natural breast enhancement is a good way
to enhance and enlarge your breasts, without the
risks involved in surgical procedures and methods,
so you can feel sexy and confident about
yourself. But it is advisable to do careful
research in order to find the best product for

Eliza Maledevic Ayson

Eliza Maledevic Ayson is a staff writer at http://www.jump2top.comLisa Blog48866
Eugenie Blog31618

E-Commerce - Easy money or Hard Knocks

When my wife and I got into the WWW. E-commerce world, we had visions of easy money and an auto pilot type of business. You know the kind that runs itself and the money just rolls in. Oh yeah, low start-up cost, little time, and low commitment. Just read the commercials and Internet ads.

The Internet can be your friend or it can bite you like a scared dog. Try researching, starting an Internet business. You will find every easy money method in the world. Here is a list of things to consider and these things are just the surface. This is not meant to scare you but to inform you of the reality, before you fall into the money pit. Just remember you have to give before you receive and sometimes we learn from the pain.

Websites necessities or basics:

Host/Server to store all your files and images. E-mail and other perks. $8 to $12 month

Purchase your domain $8 to $???

Merchant/Credit Card service Credit Card processing. This is a low price. $25Month, $15 service charge, and 30 cents per transaction and 2.5% of sales. (OUCH!)

Paypal You can use Paypal for your payment option. Its free. I dont use it. Nothing is free.

Rent a ready-made store - Now you can go with a company who will host your site and provide a storefront for you. They will even give you products to sell. These are usually database type and provide no SEO. In other words, the only people who purchase from your site are your friends and family. No one can find your site in the Internet desert. You're on page 200 (if lucky). They run from $40 to $200 month.

Find a wholesaler? No problem, everyone is a wholesaler. What do you want to sell? Leather, Home Dcor, Knives and Swords, Collectibles or maybe Kitchen cookware?

Where are the real wholesalers? The ones they buy from. There are many scams and scam tools for sale out there. Now try ordering from them. Late? Back Ordered? Packing? Drop ship costs? Shipping & Handling Costs? Drop ship or Inventory? Taxes???

Build your site - There are many templates out there that look good but if you dont know how to program HTML forget it. You will probably buy a book or software that shows us dummies that we can create HTML websites without having to know HTML. On the outside it looks good, but on the inside they stink. How are you going to find the time and keep up with the latest in this "part time business"? Search Engine robots don't like bad programming among other things.

Gather Information - Now that you have a wholesaler, download all the prices and images. Create your spreadsheets to upload all the product information (change them to CSV or some delimited format. Or you may have to do this one at a time Ahhh!

Fix the images - Adjust the resolution, size, etc. to fit your WebPages. Get the right software to do thisIt will save you days of work and cost. I hope you get this done before the prices change or the item is discontinued. Remember that if you have more than one wholesaler, you have more than one tax and drop ship charge. You also have different information and images. They could be in other formats.

My wife and I thought an Internet Shopping Mall would be so cool. We could have different stores, oh boyThats where the name came from. Oh yeah. Now you have to have a logo and a theme and all the right colors and, and, and.

It's kinda like building a house.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) - You should have been thinking about this from the start. Buy links, buy PPC (Pay Per Click) advertising, buy search engine submissions, buy content, submit articles and link to directories and other Websites, read, read, read and determine who is telling the truth.

After all the smoke clears, you will be in the hole a few bucks. When that first sale comes in you will feel like that golfer getting a hole in one. Then you're back at it, harder than ever. Its an addiction. I guess it could be described as the spouse that wont leave an abused relationship. Like any business, Internet business is not for the short-term commitment. There is so much I had to leave out because many things depend on what direction you take on this journey. Good Luck, remember if its too good to be true..

Our advice is to personally talk to someone that is successfully operating E-commerce site, (not on E-bay) and get the facts. This is what made E-bay so popular. But even E-bay can be tough.

Good Luck,

Marc and Kemella Allyn

Marc and Kem own and bring their personal experience for your use. Thank You for supporting our ministry http://www.allaboutthecross.comHonorine Blog87890
Christine Blog3390

The Life and Legacy of John Denver

When I hear the name John Denver, I always think of Colorado. John Denver is a talented American singer, musician, and song maker. John Denver is famous all over the world. His music is known to have been inspired by his home state and the beautiful Rocky Mountain landscape. When Denver was born, he was named Henry John Deutscendorf. The singer/songwriter began his career as a folk rock singer in the early 60s.

Soon after that, Denver joined The Mitchell Trio and become their vocalist. He managed to become a real celebrity when Peter, Paul, and Mary recorded his song Leaving On A Jet Plane. This song was their first and only Number One single ever.

John Denver stayed with the Mitchell Trio as their vocalist for four years. After the members of the group are separated, John Denver realized that he had got to the top of the Pop charts and he is one of the best selling artists. Rocky Mountain High, Take Me Home, Country Roads, Sunshine On My Shoulders, Thank God Im A Country Boy, Back Home Again, and Annies Song are just some of his most popular songs.

Denver had not only been a talented musician but also an environmental and humanitarian activist. In his lyrics, John Denver used to support people to get closer to the earth and nature. The artist freely expressed his views in his songs in a peaceful but compassionate manner. His lyrics were inspired by the beauties he had seen living in the Rocky Mountains near Aspen, Colorado.

John Denver had enjoyed watching the snow, the sunshine, the beauty of all of nature. If John Denver had never seen the beauties of the Rocky Mountains in Colorado, probably he would have never written his songs.

John Denver had often worked together with Jim Henson, the creator of the Muppets. Denver even recorded many songs with the cast of the Muppets. He even played a role in a movie the film was Oh God! with George Burns. During the twentieth century, John Denver has continued to be one of the most famous singers.

John Denver passed away suddenly and tragically while he was piloting for the first time his new plane. The aircraft was caused by low fuel.

All his life had been spent close to nature. John Denver had devoted himself to his work, spending all his time singing and songwriting. John Denver had contributed a lot to many environmental and humanitarian organizations. John Denver will last in the hearts of his fans forever although he is not yet among us. Everyone who is interested can learn more about John Denver at, or

Morgan Hamilton offers expert advice and great tips regarding all aspects concerning entertainment. Get more information by visiting Blog51469
Kiwi Blog29482

The Blockbuster Benefits Of Selling Information On The Net

An entrepreneur on the Information Superhighway sells information, in fact, almost all successful online businesses sell information in some form or another. The most famous example is Bill Gates. He has become the one the richest man on Earth because he sells software, which is an information product.

So whats the big deal in selling information products online? Let's check out some of the benefits in doing so -

1) Low Start-up Costs

In comparison to a traditional bricks and clicks business, an online business requires low start up costs. For example, a franchise will set you back as much as $500,000 or more just for the rights to get started. You can start your own information business for less than $1,000.

2) Low Inventory Costs

You keep little or no inventory. Most information products can be produced and compiled into electronic format. As you can see, today information products are ebooks, manuals, as well as software. You have no inventory cost except investing in some software in the first place. Compare that to a traditional publishing business which might cost you thousands of dollars just for printing, labor, storage, etc.

3) Zero Shipping Costs

Don't overlook the cost of shipping in a traditional business. Just imagine how much money you might lose if the order was returned due to credit card fraud, a customer request for a refund, or product damage during the course of shipping? On the other hand, the delivery of electronic information products is safe, it is instant, and it is online. The only costs you bear are for web hosting and insignificant credit card processing fees.

4) High Mark-Ups

Information products have a high mark-up because customers are not paying for the format in which the products are delivered. They are paying for the valuable information contained within. Actual production costs are irrelevant and can not be applied when dealing with these types of products.

5) Your Business Runs Entirely on Autopilot!

Your whole business can be set to run on autopilot, right from customer follow-ups, to taking orders, credit card processing, to products download, and delivery. The system runs 24/7, 100% automatically, while you work on other projects, or spend time on vacation with your family. That's really a dream business!

To kick start your online information selling business, you will need to have a set of your own high-demand products. You may want to create your very own product from scratch, or you can purchase resell rights to an existing product that already has demand. The latter will be a great option if you don't have the time or would rather save yourself the hassle of creating your own product from scratch.

In either case, be sure to do your own market research before attempting any course of action. This should prevent you from getting into buying or producing unwanted products or products without market.

Lewis Low is the founding editor of For more Practical Online Business Ideas and Work-From-Home Opportunities, visit his Work-At-Home directory at http://www.OnlineBizPromo.comLetti Blog98699
Lea Blog55365